Seventh-day Adventist® Church

Personal Ministries in the United Kingdom and Ireland


Church Planting

"Church planting means starting new congregations for unreached people groups or in unentered areas or cities. It is not only the most effective means of reaching unchurched and secular people - but fresh approaches to worship and evangelism also gives new life to many of the de-churched." Peter Roennfeldt, "Planting New Churches for Unchurched People." (Preface)

An increasing number of creative church planting initiatives are now part of the picture of church life in the B.U.C. Some of these are led by lay members. Given the many ethnic minority groups in cities and the secular majority of the population which have been unresponsive to conventional evangelistic methods in the past two or three decades, there is a need for many more new and different churches. As the number of these churches multiplies in the future, doubtless many of them will be led by lay pastors.

Recommended Training Resources:

Individuals and groups interested in planting new churches should attend a church planting training event. Details from Union/Conference/Mission Church Growth Co-ordinators/Sponsores

Recommended Reading:

"Rekindling a Lost Passion: Recreating a Church Planting Movement" by Russell Burrill, available from Adventist Book Centre
"Plant the Future" by Ron Gladden, available from Adventist Book Centre
"Creating a Church for the Unchurched" by Martin Robinson, available through Christian bookshops
"Planting Tomorrow's Churches Today" by Martin Robinson and Stuart Christine, available through Christian bookshops